[00:00:20] evrial is now xa
[00:00:37] erraen is now online
[00:01:24] novus42 is now offline
[00:05:21] evrial is now xa
[00:05:38] erraen is now online
[00:07:20] kwis is now xa
[00:07:24] zarg_ is now xa
[00:10:00] kwis is now online
[00:10:22] evrial is now xa
[00:10:39] erraen is now online
[00:12:00] огыешсук is now Available
[00:12:56] pzskc383 is now away
[00:14:55] pzskc383 is now online
[00:15:24] evrial is now xa
[00:15:39] erraen is now online
[00:16:46] kwis is now away
[00:16:59] evrial is now offline
[00:17:04] evrial is now xa
[00:17:05] evrial is now xa
[00:18:51] evrial is now xa
[00:20:20] pzskc383 is now away
[00:20:40] pzskc383 is now online
[00:20:40] erraen is now online
[00:23:52] evrial is now xa
[00:25:41] erraen is now online
[00:26:47] kwis is now xa
[00:28:52] evrial is now xa
[00:30:04] kwis is now online
[00:30:42] erraen is now online
[00:33:52] evrial is now xa
[00:35:43] erraen is now online
[00:38:55] evrial is now xa
[00:40:43] erraen is now online
[00:43:55] evrial is now xa
[00:45:44] erraen is now online
[00:48:56] evrial is now xa
[00:50:45] erraen is now online
[00:51:01] kwis is now offline
[00:53:57] evrial is now xa
[00:55:45] erraen is now online
[00:58:57] evrial is now xa
[01:00:45] erraen is now online
[01:03:59] evrial is now xa
[01:05:47] erraen is now online
[01:08:59] evrial is now xa
[01:09:50] POPSuL is now online
[01:10:47] erraen is now online
[01:14:00] evrial is now xa
[01:15:39] PC is now away
[01:15:48] erraen is now online
[01:16:18] Мозгошредер is now offline
[01:19:01] evrial is now xa
[01:20:48] erraen is now online
[01:23:35] kwis is now online
[01:24:02] evrial is now xa
[01:24:36] PC is now online
[01:25:49] erraen is now online
[01:29:03] evrial is now xa
[01:30:51] erraen is now online
[01:34:04] evrial is now xa
[01:35:52] erraen is now online
[01:37:47] kwis is now offline
[01:39:06] evrial is now xa
[01:39:21] kwis is now online
[01:40:52] erraen is now online
[01:44:08] evrial is now xa
[01:45:26] pzskc383 is now away
[01:45:53] erraen is now online
[01:45:57] pzskc383 is now online
[01:46:21] pzskc383 is now offline
[01:49:08] evrial is now xa
[01:49:32] PC is now offline
[01:50:55] erraen is now online
[01:50:55] erraen is now online
[01:54:09] evrial is now xa
[01:55:56] erraen is now online
[01:59:08] evrial is now xa
[02:00:55] erraen is now online
[02:04:09] evrial is now xa
[02:04:57] kwis is now offline
[02:05:56] erraen is now online
[02:09:09] evrial is now xa
[02:10:54] kwis is now online
[02:10:56] erraen is now online
[02:14:09] evrial is now xa
[02:14:34] erraen is now offline
[02:16:02] kwis is now offline
[02:17:07] kwis is now online
[02:19:10] evrial is now xa
[02:22:34] kwis is now offline
[02:24:10] evrial is now xa
[02:29:12] evrial is now xa
[02:34:11] evrial is now xa
[02:39:12] evrial is now xa
[02:44:13] evrial is now xa
[02:45:25] kwis is now online
[02:46:40] kwis is now offline
[02:49:14] evrial is now xa
[02:54:15] evrial is now xa
[02:54:42] kwis is now online
[02:59:15] evrial is now xa
[03:01:55] kwis is now offline
[03:03:17] kwis is now online
[03:04:17] evrial is now xa
[03:09:17] evrial is now xa
[03:14:17] evrial is now xa
[03:19:18] evrial is now xa
[03:19:44] bobry is now online
[03:24:19] evrial is now xa
[03:29:20] evrial is now xa
[03:34:22] evrial is now xa
[03:35:47] огыешсук is now offline
[03:39:22] evrial is now xa
[03:44:23] evrial is now xa
[03:49:24] evrial is now xa
[03:49:37] JOHN_16 is now online
[03:51:29] JOHN_16 is now offline
[03:54:26] evrial is now xa
[03:59:27] evrial is now xa
[03:59:41] maxp is now I'm not here right now
[04:03:48] kwis is now away
[04:04:28] evrial is now xa
[04:09:28] evrial is now xa
[04:11:29] maxp is now away
[04:11:30] maxp is now away
[04:13:48] kwis is now xa
[04:14:28] evrial is now xa
[04:19:28] evrial is now xa
[04:24:29] evrial is now xa
[04:29:30] evrial is now xa
[04:33:56] SV0L0CH is now away
[04:34:31] evrial is now xa
[04:37:52] SV0L0CH is now online
[04:39:32] evrial is now xa
[04:44:33] evrial is now xa
[04:49:34] evrial is now xa
[04:54:34] evrial is now xa
[04:59:35] evrial is now xa
[05:04:36] evrial is now xa
[05:09:36] evrial is now xa
[05:14:36] evrial is now xa
[05:19:37] evrial is now xa
[05:20:30] SV0L0CH is now away
[05:22:00] SV0L0CH is now online
[05:24:36] evrial is now xa
[05:28:58] mishok13 is now offline
[05:29:14] mishok13 is now xa
[05:29:38] evrial is now xa
[05:34:38] evrial is now xa
[05:39:38] evrial is now xa
[05:44:39] evrial is now xa
[05:49:38] evrial is now xa
[05:52:05] SV0L0CH is now away
[05:54:39] evrial is now xa
[05:58:30] SV0L0CH is now online
[05:59:40] evrial is now xa
[06:04:40] evrial is now xa
[06:09:39] evrial is now xa
[06:14:39] evrial is now xa
[06:19:41] evrial is now xa
[06:24:42] evrial is now xa
[06:29:44] evrial is now xa
[06:34:41] SV0L0CH is now away
[06:34:44] evrial is now xa
[06:39:46] evrial is now xa
[06:44:14] SV0L0CH is now online
[06:44:46] evrial is now xa
[06:49:43] огыешсук is now Available
[06:49:45] evrial is now xa
[06:54:46] evrial is now xa
[06:57:30] maxp is now away
[06:57:31] maxp is now offline
[06:59:47] evrial is now xa
[07:04:48] evrial is now xa
[07:09:48] evrial is now xa
[07:14:48] evrial is now xa
[07:16:41] dicos is now online
[07:19:48] evrial is now xa
[07:21:12] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[07:21:13] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[07:21:52] SV0L0CH is now away
[07:21:58] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[07:24:50] evrial is now xa
[07:26:59] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[07:28:57] serg.makar is now away
[07:28:58] serg.makar is now away
[07:29:44] Tony is now online
[07:29:51] evrial is now xa
[07:30:12] Tony: посоветуйте же мне чего-нибудь адекватного для парсинга аргументов командной строки в неинтерактивной софтине
[07:31:51] SV0L0CH is now xa
[07:31:58] serg.makar is now away
[07:32:40] serg.makar is now away
[07:32:41] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[07:32:53] bobry: opster или argparse
[07:33:12] bobry: в сторону optparse лучше даже не смотреть — это ночной кошмар
[07:34:20] Tony: вот я и посмотрел его. еще finaloption глянул.
[07:34:52] evrial is now xa
[07:35:37] bobry: эм, а разве finaloption != opster?
[07:35:42] bobry: пираныч вроде его переименовал?
[07:35:46] bobry: или я шо путаю?
[07:36:59] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[07:37:00] Tony: хрен знает. секунду
[07:37:09] SV0L0CH is now online
[07:37:43] bobry: там кошерный код, а ля hg commands
[07:37:46] Tony: эм. у меня очень старый чекаут с гуглкода
[07:38:09] bobry: гуглкода, хмхм
[07:39:53] evrial is now xa
[07:41:59] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[07:42:52] serg.makar is now offline
[07:43:30] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[07:43:31] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[07:43:59] SV0L0CH is now away
[07:44:08] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[07:44:54] evrial is now xa
[07:47:27] ggrn is now online
[07:47:43] Tony: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/finaloption а даже эта ссылка живая еще
[07:48:42] bobry: ну и фик с ней, шо то там было про переименование
[07:49:09] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[07:49:09] Tony: немного огорчает что в aur ее нет
[07:49:49] bobry: эм...
[07:49:52] bobry: pip install?
[07:49:55] evrial is now xa
[07:50:29] bobry: я уже давно полностью перешел на virtualenv для питоновских пакетов
[07:50:44] bobry: за редким исключением, когда они висят в зависимостиях у какого нить пакета
[07:50:59] Tony: да у меня консольная утилита которая предполагает кое какое распространение
[07:51:05] dicos is now away
[07:51:07] dicos is now away
[07:51:10] Tony: по-этому на virtualenv надеяться ломает несколько.
[07:51:16] Tony: ладно. пока буду с собой таскать значит.
[07:51:22] bobry: ну дык на pip надейтесь :)
[07:51:28] bobry: pip -r requirements.txt
[07:51:50] dicos is now away
[07:51:51] dicos is now online
[07:53:59] SV0L0CH is now xa
[07:54:09] Tony: с обновлениями потом огрести можно
[07:54:10] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[07:54:20] Tony: тем более если что-то совпадает с тем что в системе с пакетов стоит.
[07:54:50] bobry: а шо с обновлениями, там же версии будут фиксированы?
[07:54:55] serg.makar is now away
[07:54:56] serg.makar is now away
[07:54:56] evrial is now xa
[07:56:28] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[07:56:29] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[07:59:11] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[07:59:54] evrial is now xa
[08:04:12] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[08:04:57] evrial is now xa
[08:08:13] ggrn is now away
[08:09:13] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[08:09:58] evrial is now xa
[08:14:13] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[08:14:57] evrial is now xa
[08:16:30] Ляпатяпа is now online
[08:18:13] ggrn is now xa
[08:19:13] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[08:19:28] SV0L0CH is now online
[08:19:57] evrial is now xa
[08:20:52] novus42 is now online
[08:20:53] novus42 is now online
[08:20:55] novus42 is now online
[08:21:00] novus42 is now offline
[08:22:46] огыешсук is now away
[08:24:14] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[08:24:58] evrial is now xa
[08:29:15] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[08:29:57] evrial is now xa
[08:30:03] Tony is now away
[08:30:26] bobry is now away
[08:32:46] огыешсук is now xa
[08:34:15] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[08:34:58] evrial is now xa
[08:37:09] Tony is now online
[08:39:15] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[08:40:00] evrial is now xa
[08:43:17] Tony is now away
[08:44:15] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[08:45:00] evrial is now xa
[08:47:15] огыешсук is now Available
[08:49:16] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[08:49:31] Tony is now online
[08:50:01] evrial is now xa
[08:50:26] bobry is now xa
[08:54:17] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[08:54:53] Tony is now away
[08:55:02] evrial is now xa
[08:56:35] огыешсук is now away
[08:58:11] огыешсук is now Available
[08:58:39] Tony is now online
[08:58:45] огыешсук is now offline
[08:59:18] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[09:00:03] evrial is now xa
[09:01:46] bobry is now online
[09:04:20] dicos is now offline
[09:04:21] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[09:05:02] evrial is now xa
[09:05:21] kwis is now online
[09:09:21] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[09:10:03] evrial is now xa
[09:11:18] kwis is now away
[09:14:22] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[09:15:04] evrial is now xa
[09:15:39] kwis is now online
[09:16:41] Tony is now away
[09:19:23] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[09:20:05] evrial is now xa
[09:20:23] cutwater is now online
[09:23:23] Tony is now online
[09:23:45] Ляпатяпа is now away
[09:24:22] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[09:25:06] evrial is now xa
[09:25:50] kwis is now away
[09:29:23] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[09:30:08] evrial is now xa
[09:34:23] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[09:34:30] POPSuL is now away
[09:35:07] evrial is now xa
[09:35:50] kwis is now xa
[09:37:55] ggrn is now online
[09:39:23] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[09:40:08] evrial is now xa
[09:42:59] POPSuL is now online
[09:43:46] Ляпатяпа is now xa
[09:44:24] Ляпатяпа is now online
[09:44:26] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[09:45:11] evrial is now xa
[09:46:33] ggrn is now away
[09:49:27] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[09:50:11] evrial is now xa
[09:50:40] gconnect is now Да, я здесь.
[09:52:23] gconnect is now online
[09:52:38] gconnect is now online
[09:53:00] serg.makar is now away
[09:53:01] serg.makar is now away
[09:53:06] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[09:53:08] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[09:54:27] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[09:54:42] gconnect is now offline
[09:55:10] evrial is now xa
[09:56:33] ggrn is now xa
[09:58:51] ggrn is now online
[09:59:28] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[10:00:11] evrial is now xa
[10:04:29] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[10:05:11] evrial is now xa
[10:06:38] serg.makar is now away
[10:06:39] serg.makar is now away
[10:07:08] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[10:07:09] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[10:09:28] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[10:10:12] evrial is now xa
[10:14:29] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[10:15:13] evrial is now xa
[10:19:30] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[10:20:13] evrial is now xa
[10:21:28] SV0L0CH is now away
[10:24:32] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[10:25:13] evrial is now xa
[10:28:23] Ляпатяпа is now away
[10:28:37] Ляпатяпа is now online
[10:29:33] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[10:30:14] evrial is now xa
[10:31:00] serg.makar is now away
[10:31:01] serg.makar is now away
[10:31:27] SV0L0CH is now xa
[10:32:25] Tony is now away
[10:34:33] serg.makar is now away
[10:35:16] evrial is now xa
[10:35:18] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[10:35:20] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[10:39:35] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[10:40:16] evrial is now xa
[10:41:17] ggrn is now away
[10:41:57] Tony is now online
[10:43:55] tex3d is now Да, я здесь.
[10:44:36] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[10:45:16] evrial is now xa
[10:48:13] Tony is now away
[10:49:36] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[10:50:16] evrial is now xa
[10:51:17] ggrn is now xa
[10:54:38] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[10:55:17] evrial is now xa
[10:56:05] ggrn is now online
[10:58:13] Tony is now xa
[10:59:39] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[10:59:57] pzskc383 is now online
[11:00:18] evrial is now xa
[11:02:11] Tony is now online
[11:04:39] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[11:05:18] evrial is now xa
[11:05:27] serg.makar is now offline
[11:06:30] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[11:06:31] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[11:10:07] dicos is now online
[11:10:19] evrial is now xa
[11:10:33] tex3d is now away
[11:10:54] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[11:12:23] serg.makar is now away
[11:12:25] serg.makar is now away
[11:15:19] evrial is now xa
[11:15:29] zarg_ is now online
[11:15:55] serg.makar is now away
[11:19:24] pzskc383 is now away
[11:20:20] evrial is now xa
[11:20:56] serg.makar is now away
[11:23:27] ggrn is now away
[11:24:16] pzskc383 is now online
[11:25:21] evrial is now xa
[11:25:56] serg.makar is now away
[11:27:11] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[11:27:13] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[11:30:21] evrial is now xa
[11:30:57] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[11:32:34] serg.makar is now away
[11:32:36] serg.makar is now away
[11:33:14] bobry: товарищи, кто нить тут с fb api дело имел?
[11:33:27] ggrn is now xa
[11:33:48] cutwater is now away
[11:34:10] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[11:34:12] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[11:35:24] evrial is now xa
[11:35:57] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[11:37:18] maxp is now I'm not here right now
[11:37:48] zarg_ is now away
[11:39:03] ggrn is now online
[11:39:13] serg.makar is now away
[11:39:14] serg.makar is now away
[11:40:24] evrial is now xa
[11:40:36] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[11:40:38] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[11:40:58] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[11:43:13] Tony is now away
[11:44:04] kwis is now online
[11:45:24] evrial is now xa
[11:45:52] serg.makar is now away
[11:45:53] serg.makar is now away
[11:45:58] serg.makar is now away
[11:47:48] zarg_ is now xa
[11:48:23] Tony is now online
[11:49:05] maxp is now away
[11:49:06] maxp is now away
[11:50:24] evrial is now xa
[11:50:59] serg.makar is now away
[11:51:42] pzskc383 is now away
[11:52:32] kwis is now away
[11:53:48] cutwater is now xa
[11:54:18] cutwater is now online
[11:55:23] dicos is now away
[11:55:24] dicos is now away
[11:55:26] evrial is now xa
[11:56:00] serg.makar is now away
[11:57:26] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[11:57:28] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[12:00:11] dicos is now away
[12:00:12] dicos is now online
[12:00:25] evrial is now xa
[12:01:01] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[12:01:39] pzskc383 is now xa
[12:02:32] kwis is now xa
[12:03:53] serg.makar is now away
[12:03:54] serg.makar is now away
[12:05:25] evrial is now xa
[12:06:01] serg.makar is now away
[12:10:26] evrial is now xa
[12:11:01] serg.makar is now away
[12:11:49] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[12:11:51] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[12:15:26] evrial is now xa
[12:16:01] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[12:16:49] serg.makar is now away
[12:16:51] serg.makar is now away
[12:20:27] evrial is now xa
[12:21:02] serg.makar is now away
[12:22:00] bobry is now away
[12:23:01] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[12:23:03] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[12:23:37] Tony is now away
[12:25:27] evrial is now xa
[12:26:03] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[12:26:33] ggrn is now away
[12:28:10] serg.makar is now away
[12:28:11] serg.makar is now away
[12:28:59] Tony is now online
[12:30:27] evrial is now xa
[12:31:03] serg.makar is now away
[12:32:15] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[12:32:17] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[12:34:29] bobry is now online
[12:34:58] zarg_ is now online
[12:35:28] evrial is now xa
[12:36:01] ggrn is now online
[12:36:04] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[12:37:18] serg.makar is now away
[12:37:19] serg.makar is now away
[12:38:57] Tony is now away
[12:40:29] evrial is now xa
[12:41:05] serg.makar is now away
[12:41:35] novus42 is now online
[12:41:36] novus42 is now online
[12:41:38] novus42 is now online
[12:41:40] novus42 is now online
[12:42:34] zarg_ is now away
[12:44:42] GorMih is now online
[12:45:30] evrial is now xa
[12:45:49] zarg_ is now online
[12:45:59] GorMih: всем привет. Подскажите плиз - как открыть в eric существующий проект django, но который был написан вручную в gedit + terminal? :-)
[12:46:06] serg.makar is now away
[12:46:15] novus42 is now online
[12:46:31] GorMih: при создании нового проекта он не сохраняет в своем мегафайле конфигурации приложения проекта
[12:47:17] GorMih: у меня в проекте 2 приложения... как ему объяснить, что они там есть?)
[12:47:30] bobry: ого
[12:48:24] erraen is now online
[12:48:24] erraen is now online
[12:48:37] bobry: а сайт у него все такой же неинформативный
[12:48:57] Tony is now xa
[12:50:32] evrial is now xa
[12:51:06] serg.makar is now away
[12:51:15] novus42 is now online
[12:51:59] erraen is now online
[12:52:49] GorMih: мде)
[12:53:23] bobry: честно скажу — никогда мне не нравились проекты в этом ерике
[12:53:29] bobry: потому что постоянно что то в них ломалось
[12:53:44] bobry: но я пользовался тока 4й версией — может к 5й там стабильности прибавилось
[12:54:17] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[12:54:18] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[12:55:01] ggrn is now offline
[12:55:33] evrial is now xa
[12:55:56] GorMih: я просто с svn не оч... а там с svn визард...
[12:56:07] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[12:56:15] novus42 is now online
[12:56:27] GorMih: и вообще вот создал svn репозиторий... командой svnadmin create
[12:56:36] GorMih: как узнать какой у него url
[12:56:42] GorMih: ...
[12:57:00] erraen is now online
[12:57:06] pzskc383 is now online
[12:57:09] zarg_ is now away
[12:58:47] GorMih: под виндой пользовал туртуас... там все легко
[13:00:35] evrial is now xa
[13:01:08] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[13:01:15] novus42 is now online
[13:02:07] erraen is now online
[13:03:04] kwis is now online
[13:03:18] bobry: под линукс есть kdesvn
[13:03:26] bobry: замечательная программа
[13:03:46] bobry: /me предлагает flamewar на тему свн—говно
[13:03:50] serg.makar is now away
[13:03:51] serg.makar is now away
[13:05:37] evrial is now xa
[13:05:43] GorMih: :D
[13:05:54] GorMih: не люблю kde
[13:06:09] serg.makar is now away
[13:06:15] novus42 is now online
[13:06:23] GorMih: /me предлагает холивар на тему гном vs кде
[13:07:03] erraen is now online
[13:07:10] zarg_ is now xa
[13:07:28] GorMih: я rabbitcvs поставил... он ловко создает репозитории...
[13:07:43] GorMih: но фиг знает какой у них url )
[13:07:55] bobry: а свн точна нада?
[13:08:16] GorMih: ну мне svn нравица...
[13:08:39] bobry: так нравится что ты не знаешь его команд?
[13:08:45] zarg_ is now online
[13:09:13] GorMih: говорю же черепашку пользовал под виндой... ) там все просто было
[13:10:01] bobry: ну, свн это же vcs а не клиент к vcs
[13:10:38] evrial is now xa
[13:11:09] serg.makar is now away
[13:11:15] novus42 is now online
[13:11:44] GorMih: rabbitcvs - оболочка svn для наутилуса...
[13:12:04] erraen is now online
[13:13:50] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[13:13:51] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[13:13:58] bobry: может все таки взять какой нить hg?
[13:14:05] bobry: там хотя бы с cli все окей
[13:14:23] GorMih: Мне с svn надо учится работать...
[13:14:30] GorMih: стандарт вроде как
[13:14:43] bobry: стандарт чего?
[13:15:08] GorMih: ну практически во всех нормальных конторах пользуют svn
[13:15:19] bobry: у вас устаревшая информация:D
[13:15:39] evrial is now xa
[13:15:41] bobry: я вот с svn через git-svn работаю) и даже не думаю о том шо там происходит behind the scene
[13:16:10] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[13:16:15] novus42 is now online
[13:17:05] erraen is now online
[13:19:05] GorMih: через file:// все прошло
[13:19:28] bobry: SVN requires 30x the disk space to store the same history.
[13:19:30] bobry: мой бог
[13:20:26] GorMih: нефиг бинарники в репу сувать. тексты как правило легковесны )
[13:20:39] evrial is now xa
[13:21:09] bobry: речь о репозитории мозиллы
[13:21:10] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[13:21:14] bobry: в оригинале
[13:21:15] novus42 is now online
[13:21:17] kwis is now away
[13:21:30] bobry: там свновский репозиторий весил 12гб
[13:21:42] bobry: а после перехода на гит у них получилось 420мб
[13:21:48] bobry: так что никаких бинарников
[13:22:06] erraen is now online
[13:22:24] kwis is now online
[13:23:43] GorMih: как же гит хистори хранит...
[13:24:09] GorMih: на скока я знаю свн только различия в файлах сохраняет
[13:24:24] GorMih: может они одну ревизию скиныли в репу?)
[13:25:39] evrial is now xa
[13:25:50] bobry: я не знаю формат свна
[13:25:55] bobry: гит хранит дифы
[13:26:08] GorMih: свн тоже..
[13:26:11] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[13:26:15] novus42 is now online
[13:27:06] erraen is now online
[13:27:17] Ляпатяпа is now away
[13:27:22] Ляпатяпа is now online
[13:28:01] Tony is now online
[13:30:15] serg.makar is now away
[13:30:16] serg.makar is now away
[13:30:16] PC is now online
[13:30:24] PC is now offline
[13:30:40] evrial is now xa
[13:31:13] serg.makar is now away
[13:31:15] novus42 is now online
[13:31:59] tatengineerx is now online
[13:32:07] erraen is now online
[13:32:11] tatengineerx is now offline
[13:35:31] serg.makar is now away
[13:35:32] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[13:35:42] evrial is now xa
[13:36:12] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[13:36:15] novus42 is now online
[13:37:08] erraen is now online
[13:39:03] PC is now online
[13:40:04] ggrn is now online
[13:40:22] novus42 is now ♫ Äåêëàññè›îâàííûì ‡ëåìåíòàì
[13:40:23] novus42 is now ♫ Äåêëàññè›îâàííûì ‡ëåìåíòàì
[13:40:36] ggrn is now offline
[13:40:43] evrial is now xa
[13:40:48] ggrn is now online
[13:41:13] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[13:41:15] novus42 is now ♫ Äåêëàññè›îâàííûì ‡ëåìåíòàì
[13:42:02] serg.makar is now away
[13:42:03] serg.makar is now away
[13:42:05] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[13:42:08] erraen is now online
[13:44:15] novus42 is now ♫ #1 (Ichiban)
[13:44:16] novus42 is now ♫ #1 (Ichiban)
[13:45:11] PC is now away
[13:45:44] evrial is now xa
[13:46:14] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[13:46:15] novus42 is now ♫ #1 (Ichiban)
[13:47:01] novus42 is now ♫ Меняться
[13:47:02] novus42 is now ♫ Меняться
[13:47:10] erraen is now online
[13:50:26] novus42 is now ♫ Êëàóñò›îôîáèÿ
[13:50:27] novus42 is now ♫ Êëàóñò›îôîáèÿ
[13:50:41] ggrn is now away
[13:50:44] evrial is now xa
[13:51:14] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[13:51:15] novus42 is now ♫ Êëàóñò›îôîáèÿ
[13:52:11] erraen is now online
[13:52:39] GorMih is now away
[13:52:41] GorMih is now away
[13:55:11] PC is now xa
[13:55:18] bobry is now away
[13:55:46] evrial is now xa
[13:56:00] novus42 is now ♫ Íèêòî íå õîòåë óìè›àòü
[13:56:01] novus42 is now ♫ Íèêòî íå õîòåë óìè›àòü
[13:56:15] novus42 is now ♫ Íèêòî íå õîòåë óìè›àòü
[13:56:17] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[13:56:24] GorMih is now away
[13:56:26] GorMih is now online
[13:57:12] erraen is now online
[13:57:43] Ляпатяпа is now away
[13:59:21] novus42 is now ♫ Bargeld (Radio Mix)
[13:59:22] novus42 is now ♫ Bargeld (Radio Mix)
[14:00:47] evrial is now xa
[14:01:15] novus42 is now ♫ Bargeld (Radio Mix)
[14:01:17] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[14:01:39] Ляпатяпа is now online
[14:02:01] PC is now online
[14:02:03] serg.makar is now away
[14:02:05] serg.makar is now away
[14:02:12] erraen is now online
[14:03:24] novus42 is now ♫ Ïîïñ
[14:03:25] novus42 is now ♫ Ïîïñ
[14:04:22] bobry is now online
[14:05:34] novus42 is now ♫ Êëóáíèêà ñî ëüäîì
[14:05:35] novus42 is now ♫ Êëóáíèêà ñî ëüäîì
[14:05:49] evrial is now xa
[14:06:15] Tony is now away
[14:06:16] novus42 is now ♫ Êëóáíèêà ñî ëüäîì
[14:06:18] serg.makar is now away
[14:07:14] erraen is now online
[14:08:32] kwis is now away
[14:08:46] novus42 is now ♫ Split (12inch Mix)
[14:08:47] novus42 is now ♫ Split (12inch Mix)
[14:09:34] kwis is now online
[14:09:55] zarg_ is now away
[14:09:57] zarg_ is now online
[14:09:59] dicos is now offline
[14:10:12] Tony is now online
[14:10:49] evrial is now xa
[14:11:15] novus42 is now ♫ Split (12inch Mix)
[14:11:18] serg.makar is now away
[14:11:20] ggrn is now offline
[14:11:39] Ляпатяпа is now away
[14:11:50] maxp is now away
[14:11:51] maxp is now I'm not here right now
[14:12:14] erraen is now online
[14:15:34] novus42 is now ♫ Ïå›åìåíà ïîãîäû
[14:15:35] novus42 is now ♫ Ïå›åìåíà ïîãîäû
[14:15:51] evrial is now xa
[14:16:16] novus42 is now ♫ Ïå›åìåíà ïîãîäû
[14:16:20] serg.makar is now away
[14:17:15] erraen is now online
[14:17:34] novus42 is now ♫ Sing For The Levon
[14:17:35] novus42 is now ♫ Sing For The Levon
[14:20:53] evrial is now xa
[14:21:05] novus42 is now ♫ Ñòà›óøêà Çàíçèáà›
[14:21:06] novus42 is now ♫ Ñòà›óøêà Çàíçèáà›
[14:21:16] novus42 is now ♫ Ñòà›óøêà Çàíçèáà›
[14:21:21] serg.makar is now away
[14:21:22] bobry is now offline
[14:22:16] erraen is now online
[14:22:31] bobry is now online
[14:22:34] novus42 is now ♫ Êàê Ëèñòîâêà
[14:22:35] novus42 is now ♫ Êàê Ëèñòîâêà
[14:24:08] maxp is now away
[14:24:09] maxp is now away
[14:25:28] novus42 is now ♫ Áåçîá›àçíàÿ †ëüçà
[14:25:29] novus42 is now ♫ Áåçîá›àçíàÿ †ëüçà
[14:25:39] GorMih is now away
[14:25:41] GorMih is now away
[14:25:53] evrial is now xa
[14:26:16] novus42 is now ♫ Áåçîá›àçíàÿ †ëüçà
[14:26:22] serg.makar is now away
[14:27:16] erraen is now online
[14:27:58] Tony is now away
[14:28:31] novus42 is now ♫ Дача
[14:28:32] novus42 is now ♫ Дача
[14:28:57] GorMih is now away
[14:28:59] GorMih is now online
[14:29:01] zarg_ is now away
[14:29:13] zarg_ is now online
[14:30:54] evrial is now xa
[14:31:01] novus42 is now ♫ Ëåñ
[14:31:02] novus42 is now ♫ Ëåñ
[14:31:16] novus42 is now ♫ Ëåñ
[14:31:22] serg.makar is now away
[14:31:39] Ляпатяпа is now xa
[14:32:17] erraen is now online
[14:33:34] novus42 is now ♫ Apollo (Live On Your TV) (Rotersand Rework)
[14:33:35] novus42 is now ♫ Apollo (Live On Your TV) (Rotersand Rework)
[14:34:52] Tony is now online
[14:35:54] evrial is now xa
[14:36:15] novus42 is now ♫ Apollo (Live On Your TV) (Rotersand Rework)
[14:36:24] serg.makar is now away
[14:37:18] erraen is now online
[14:39:57] novus42 is now ♫ Âñå èäåò ïî ïëàíó (Ëåòîâ)
[14:39:58] novus42 is now ♫ Âñå èäåò ïî ïëàíó (Ëåòîâ)
[14:40:20] PC is now away
[14:40:28] PC is now online
[14:40:34] novus42 is now ♫ Âå›øêè è êî›åøêè
[14:40:35] novus42 is now ♫ Âå›øêè è êî›åøêè
[14:40:44] Tony is now away
[14:40:55] evrial is now xa
[14:41:15] novus42 is now ♫ Âå›øêè è êî›åøêè
[14:41:25] serg.makar is now away
[14:42:19] erraen is now online
[14:42:46] novus42 is now ♫ Äî›îæêà 18
[14:42:47] novus42 is now ♫ Äî›îæêà 18
[14:45:30] novus42 is now ♫ Psycho
[14:45:31] novus42 is now ♫ Psycho
[14:45:57] evrial is now xa
[14:46:15] novus42 is now ♫ Psycho
[14:46:25] serg.makar is now away
[14:47:19] erraen is now online
[14:48:31] zarg_ is now away
[14:50:44] Tony is now xa
[14:50:48] zarg_ is now online
[14:50:58] evrial is now xa
[14:51:15] novus42 is now ♫ Psycho
[14:51:25] serg.makar is now away
[14:52:20] erraen is now online
[14:52:26] cutwater is now away
[14:54:08] novus42 is now ♫ Virus A repeat
[14:54:09] novus42 is now ♫ Virus A repeat
[14:54:44] novus42 is now ♫ Ãîëóáûå ïîãîíû
[14:54:45] novus42 is now ♫ Ãîëóáûå ïîãîíû
[14:55:14] novus42 is now ♫ My Name Is (Remix)
[14:55:15] novus42 is now ♫ My Name Is (Remix)
[14:55:17] novus42 is now ♫ виноградная лоза
[14:55:19] novus42 is now ♫ виноградная лоза
[14:56:00] evrial is now xa
[14:56:15] novus42 is now ♫ виноградная лоза
[14:56:26] serg.makar is now away
[14:57:21] erraen is now online
[14:58:46] novus42 is now ♫ Êîëûáåëüíàÿ
[14:58:47] novus42 is now ♫ Êîëûáåëüíàÿ
[15:00:14] novus42 is now ♫ Money
[15:00:15] novus42 is now ♫ Money
[15:01:01] evrial is now xa
[15:01:15] novus42 is now ♫ Money
[15:01:27] serg.makar is now away
[15:02:23] erraen is now online
[15:05:38] SV0L0CH is now online
[15:05:44] novus42 is now ♫ Êàòìàíäó
[15:05:45] novus42 is now ♫ Êàòìàíäó
[15:06:02] evrial is now xa
[15:06:15] novus42 is now ♫ Êàòìàíäó
[15:06:28] serg.makar is now away
[15:07:24] erraen is now online
[15:08:04] Darth Лис is now online
[15:09:46] novus42 is now ♫ В клубе модном
[15:09:47] novus42 is now ♫ В клубе модном
[15:11:03] evrial is now xa
[15:11:15] novus42 is now ♫ В клубе модном
[15:11:29] serg.makar is now away
[15:11:49] portnov is now online
[15:12:07] portnov: таг.
[15:12:18] portnov: ну и кто там за dumpz.org заплатить забыл? :)
[15:12:18] bobry: гутен
[15:12:25] erraen is now online
[15:12:26] bobry: lorien, хто же еще
[15:12:27] cutwater is now xa
[15:12:28] portnov: вечер )
[15:12:33] novus42 is now ♫ Розочка
[15:12:34] novus42 is now ♫ Розочка
[15:12:50] bobry: самое время для пиранхи перехватывать юзеров --> paste.in.ua
[15:12:58] Darth Лис: portnov: paste.in.ua
[15:13:11] Darth Лис: bobry: вово (:
[15:13:29] bobry: туда бы еще пасворды прикрутить ...
[15:13:35] bobry: и версионирование нормальное
[15:14:35] portnov: ну и чо, даёшь каждому по пейстбин-сервису?
[15:15:21] bobry: та не
[15:16:04] evrial is now xa
[15:16:16] novus42 is now ♫ Розочка
[15:16:31] serg.makar is now away
[15:16:49] novus42 is now ♫ Rush Ya Clique
[15:16:50] novus42 is now ♫ Rush Ya Clique
[15:17:25] erraen is now online
[15:21:06] evrial is now xa
[15:21:15] novus42 is now ♫ Rush Ya Clique
[15:21:20] novus42 is now ♫ Ôèëîñîôñêàÿ ïåñíÿ î ïóëå
[15:21:21] novus42 is now ♫ Ôèëîñîôñêàÿ ïåñíÿ î ïóëå
[15:21:31] serg.makar is now away
[15:21:43] Tony is now online
[15:22:27] erraen is now online
[15:23:58] novus42 is now ♫ Kids
[15:23:59] novus42 is now ♫ Kids
[15:24:27] GorMih is now away
[15:24:29] GorMih is now away
[15:25:12] GorMih is now away
[15:25:13] GorMih is now online
[15:26:07] evrial is now xa
[15:26:15] novus42 is now ♫ Kids
[15:26:33] serg.makar is now away
[15:27:28] erraen is now online
[15:28:50] Tony is now away
[15:29:03] novus42 is now ♫ Евпатория
[15:29:04] novus42 is now ♫ Евпатория
[15:31:03] zarg_ is now away
[15:31:07] evrial is now xa
[15:31:15] novus42 is now ♫ Евпатория
[15:31:34] serg.makar is now away
[15:32:28] erraen is now online
[15:33:23] novus42 is now online
[15:33:24] novus42 is now online
[15:33:47] zarg_ is now online
[15:34:05] GorMih is now away
[15:34:06] GorMih is now away
[15:36:08] evrial is now xa
[15:36:15] novus42 is now online
[15:36:34] serg.makar is now away
[15:36:45] pzskc383 is now away
[15:37:30] erraen is now online
[15:38:25] ggrn is now online
[15:38:50] Tony is now xa
[15:39:15] POPSuL is now dnd
[15:39:50] ggrn is now offline
[15:41:09] evrial is now xa
[15:41:15] novus42 is now online
[15:41:31] novus42 is now ♫ Евпатория
[15:41:32] novus42 is now ♫ Евпатория
[15:41:36] serg.makar is now away
[15:42:28] ggrn is now online
[15:42:30] erraen is now online
[15:43:02] novus42 is now ♫ Капитал (Dj Danas mix)
[15:43:03] novus42 is now ♫ Капитал (Dj Danas mix)
[15:45:11] portnov is now online
[15:45:13] portnov is now away
[15:46:10] evrial is now xa
[15:46:15] novus42 is now ♫ Капитал (Dj Danas mix)
[15:46:22] novus42 is now online
[15:46:23] novus42 is now online
[15:46:36] serg.makar is now away
[15:46:45] pzskc383 is now xa
[15:47:30] erraen is now online
[15:49:15] novus42 is now ♫ Капитал (Dj Danas mix)
[15:49:16] novus42 is now ♫ Капитал (Dj Danas mix)
[15:50:19] novus42 is now ♫ Паганини (ремикс YouPiter & DJ L'vov)
[15:50:20] novus42 is now ♫ Паганини (ремикс YouPiter & DJ L'vov)
[15:51:10] evrial is now xa
[15:51:15] novus42 is now ♫ Паганини (ремикс YouPiter & DJ L'vov)
[15:51:37] serg.makar is now away
[15:52:31] erraen is now online
[15:53:14] novus42 is now ♫ ◊å›âè
[15:53:15] novus42 is now ♫ ◊å›âè
[15:56:11] evrial is now xa
[15:56:15] novus42 is now ♫ ◊å›âè
[15:56:38] serg.makar is now away
[15:56:39] novus42 is now ♫ Êîíöåïòóàëèçì âíóò›è
[15:56:41] novus42 is now ♫ Êîíöåïòóàëèçì âíóò›è
[15:57:31] erraen is now online
[15:59:18] Mazay is now online
[15:59:32] novus42 is now ♫ Im Himmel ist kein Platz mehr für uns zwei
[15:59:33] novus42 is now ♫ Im Himmel ist kein Platz mehr für uns zwei
[16:00:11] novus42: вы не встречались с тем, что pycurl валится при установке на MacOSX и как бы это обойти?
[16:00:40] novus42: вот даже ошибка In file included from /opt/local/include/curl/curl.h:35,
                from src/pycurl.c:50:
/opt/local/include/curl/curlrules.h:143: error: size of array ‘__curl_rule_01__’ is negative
/opt/local/include/curl/curlrules.h:153: error: size of array ‘__curl_rule_02__’ is negative
In file included from /opt/local/include/curl/curl.h:35,
                from src/pycurl.c:50:
/opt/local/include/curl/curlrules.h:143: error: size of array ‘__curl_rule_01__’ is negative
/opt/local/include/curl/curlrules.h:153: error: size of array ‘__curl_rule_02__’ is negative
lipo: can't open input file: /var/tmp//ccE8HN7b.out (No such file or directory)
error: Setup script exited with error: command 'gcc-4.2' failed with exit status 1
[16:01:12] evrial is now xa
[16:01:15] novus42 is now ♫ Im Himmel ist kein Platz mehr für uns zwei
[16:01:24] novus42 is now online
[16:01:25] novus42 is now online
[16:01:31] pzskc383 is now online
[16:01:38] serg.makar is now away
[16:01:59] Darth Лис is now online
[16:02:31] erraen is now online
[16:02:43] Mazay: народ, не подскажете какой-нибудь задачник по Python или около того? Я знаю, что можно брать задачник по другим языкам, но хотелось бы именно по самому питону, чтобы закреплять изученные темы по порядку ))
[16:03:05] Darth Лис is now online
[16:03:13] portnov is now away
[16:03:14] portnov is now online
[16:05:02] maxp is now away
[16:05:03] maxp is now I'm not here right now
[16:05:09] bobry: novus42: читаем топик
[16:05:53] bobry: Mazay: afaik задачников нет, может быть в diveintopython какие то задания были — я так не помню
[16:06:13] evrial is now xa
[16:06:15] novus42 is now online
[16:06:39] serg.makar is now away
[16:07:32] erraen is now online
[16:07:42] Mazay: bobry: и в интернете никаких уроков, подборки закрепляющего материала и т.д. нет? Жаль, было бы очень полезно для новичков типо меня..
[16:07:46] novus42: в принципе уже нашёл в чём была бида. в гугле кстати ответа не нашёл аж на 3ёх страницах.
[16:08:10] bobry: Mazay: ну чтобы прямо по питону — мб на intuit`e есть
[16:08:18] novus42 is now ♫ Im Himmel ist kein Platz mehr für uns zwei
[16:08:19] novus42 is now ♫ Im Himmel ist kein Platz mehr für uns zwei
[16:08:35] bobry: novus42: я про то, что трейс можно было залить куда нибудь
[16:08:55] novus42: а, в этом смысле. да, виноват, исправлюсь.
[16:09:49] Mazay: bobry: вот на intuit'е я и был) но там слишком легко, захотелось ещё.
[16:10:03] portnov is now away
[16:10:04] portnov is now away
[16:11:13] evrial is now xa
[16:11:15] novus42 is now ♫ Im Himmel ist kein Platz mehr für uns zwei
[16:11:34] bobry: Mazay: ну можно еще projecteuler попробовать или programming praxis
[16:11:40] serg.makar is now away
[16:12:07] bobry: я когда то на spoj учился :)
[16:12:08] SV0L0CH is now away
[16:12:32] erraen is now online
[16:13:04] GorMih is now away
[16:13:05] GorMih is now online
[16:13:10] novus42 is now ♫ ‹åàíèìàöèîííàÿ ìàøèíà
[16:13:12] novus42 is now ♫ ‹åàíèìàöèîííàÿ ìàøèíà
[16:13:24] portnov is now away
[16:13:25] portnov is now online
[16:13:27] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[16:13:53] novus42: устройся на работу, где нужно программировать на Питоне. вмиг у тебя куча и задач и закрепляющего материала и всего чего угодно найдётся. :)
[16:14:58] bobry: работу на питоне без знания питона?)
[16:15:11] ggrn: bobry, да именно
[16:15:39] ggrn: куда нить на завод. оч интересно будет.
[16:15:58] bobry: я тут со знанием в rl не могу найти :D а вы без знания
[16:16:12] bobry: от места еще зависит конечно
[16:16:15] Mazay: >bobry: projecteuler хороший, мне его уже подсказывали, начал. но дело в том, что это немного не то: там ты сам выбираешь каким способом решать определённую задачу, а я вот ищу именно подборку каких-либо задач\проблем, на определённые темы. например тема словари - и подборка задач по словарям и тп. просто у меня ещё не набиты ни рука и питоновское мышление и поэтому большинство задач я решаю (я это прямо чувствую:)) не самым рациональным способом, а пройденный теоритический материал по большей части остаётся незакреплённым. вот такая проблема)
[16:16:17] evrial is now xa
[16:16:17] novus42 is now ♫ ‹åàíèìàöèîííàÿ ìàøèíà
[16:16:41] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[16:17:04] maxp is now away
[16:17:05] maxp is now away
[16:17:33] erraen is now online
[16:17:55] novus42 is now ♫ Whitey's Revenge (Eminem Diss)
[16:17:56] novus42 is now ♫ Whitey's Revenge (Eminem Diss)
[16:17:57] Darth Лис is now online
[16:18:07] bobry: я не очень понимаю зачем это? по ходу решения реальных задач все усвоится
[16:18:24] portnov is now away
[16:18:25] portnov is now away
[16:18:48] serg.makar is now away
[16:18:50] serg.makar is now away
[16:19:42] maxp is now offline
[16:19:56] maxp is now away
[16:20:06] novus42 is now online
[16:20:07] novus42 is now online
[16:21:14] evrial is now xa
[16:21:16] novus42 is now online
[16:21:25] Mazay: ну к примеру ест ькакая-то проблема\задача. но допустим я даже не знаю как к ней подступиться потому что не чувствую возможностей каждого из разделов. а так, закрепив я уже буду примерно представляь, что тут мне лучше использывать то-то, и сделать примерно так-то, потому что уже когда решал пусть не такое, но отдалённо похожее на текущую проблему)
[16:21:42] serg.makar is now away
[16:22:07] SV0L0CH is now xa
[16:22:28] Mazay: хотя возможно я не прав и это какой-то загон)
как вы обучались? вернее самообучались, потому что на каких-нибдуь курсах - там же всегда даёт домашку или проект по окончанию блока теории. а самому выдумать его не так просто
[16:22:34] erraen is now online
[16:23:36] bobry: ну обычно домашки оторванные от реальности все какие то
[16:23:57] bobry: можно еще посмотреть на сайте MIT, они теперь питону учат в курсе SCIP, там и assignments должны быть
[16:24:06] portnov is now away
[16:24:07] portnov is now online
[16:25:03] SV0L0CH is now online
[16:26:16] novus42 is now online
[16:26:17] evrial is now xa
[16:26:43] serg.makar is now away
[16:27:35] erraen is now online
[16:30:28] Darth Лис is now online
[16:31:16] novus42 is now online
[16:31:17] evrial is now xa
[16:31:44] serg.makar is now away
[16:32:35] erraen is now online
[16:33:18] portnov is now away
[16:33:19] portnov is now away
[16:34:03] portnov is now away
[16:34:04] portnov is now online
[16:34:27] Mazay is now away
[16:36:17] novus42 is now online
[16:36:18] evrial is now xa
[16:36:34] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[16:36:35] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[16:36:44] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[16:37:35] erraen is now online
[16:40:26] portnov is now away
[16:40:27] portnov is now away
[16:40:29] Darth Лис is now online
[16:40:56] ggrn is now away
[16:41:09] Mazay is now online
[16:41:17] novus42 is now online
[16:41:18] evrial is now xa
[16:41:32] Mazay: спасибо
[16:41:35] Mazay is now offline
[16:41:44] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[16:41:49] Darth Лис is now online
[16:42:36] erraen is now online
[16:42:44] serg.makar is now away
[16:42:45] serg.makar is now away
[16:45:11] maxp is now away
[16:45:12] maxp is now I'm not here right now
[16:45:29] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[16:45:30] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[16:46:17] novus42 is now online
[16:46:19] evrial is now xa
[16:46:45] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[16:46:47] cutwater is now online
[16:47:37] erraen is now online
[16:48:19] Lispython is now online
[16:48:55] GorMih is now away
[16:48:56] GorMih is now away
[16:49:20] portnov is now away
[16:49:21] portnov is now online
[16:50:20] ggrn is now online
[16:50:49] Lispython: css3 парсер, sanitize'р посоветуйте
[16:50:52] PC is now away
[16:50:55] Lispython: кто что пользовал
[16:51:17] novus42 is now online
[16:51:20] evrial is now xa
[16:51:47] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[16:52:38] erraen is now online
[16:55:54] ggrn is now away
[16:56:17] novus42 is now online
[16:56:22] evrial is now xa
[16:56:47] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[16:57:29] cutwater is now away
[16:57:39] erraen is now online
[16:57:55] zarg_ is now away
[16:58:01] serg.makar is now away
[16:58:02] serg.makar is now away
[16:58:34] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[16:58:35] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[16:59:16] novus42 is now ♫ Whitey's Revenge (Eminem Diss)
[16:59:18] novus42 is now ♫ Whitey's Revenge (Eminem Diss)
[17:00:11] zarg_ is now online
[17:00:13] novus42 is now ♫ Juke-Joint Jezebel (Poly-Matrix X-Tended Mix Instrumental)
[17:00:14] novus42 is now ♫ Juke-Joint Jezebel (Poly-Matrix X-Tended Mix Instrumental)
[17:00:52] PC is now xa
[17:01:17] novus42 is now ♫ Juke-Joint Jezebel (Poly-Matrix X-Tended Mix Instrumental)
[17:01:22] evrial is now xa
[17:01:48] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[17:02:39] erraen is now online
[17:03:18] PC is now online
[17:04:16] pzskc383 is now away
[17:05:54] ggrn is now xa
[17:06:17] novus42 is now ♫ Juke-Joint Jezebel (Poly-Matrix X-Tended Mix Instrumental)
[17:06:23] novus42 is now ♫ What If I Was White
[17:06:24] novus42 is now ♫ What If I Was White
[17:06:24] evrial is now xa
[17:06:48] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[17:07:20] roman.peregonchuk is now голос
[17:07:40] erraen is now online
[17:09:00] ggrn is now online
[17:09:11] PC is now offline
[17:09:26] roman.peregonchuk is now голос
[17:10:01] novus42 is now ♫ Êà›àíòèí
[17:10:02] novus42 is now ♫ Êà›àíòèí
[17:10:43] Lispython is now offline
[17:11:00] Lispython is now online
[17:11:17] novus42 is now ♫ Êà›àíòèí
[17:11:24] evrial is now xa
[17:11:48] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[17:12:14] novus42 is now ♫ Flesh
[17:12:15] novus42 is now ♫ Flesh
[17:12:41] erraen is now online
[17:13:02] cutwater is now online
[17:14:16] pzskc383 is now xa
[17:14:27] roman.peregonchuk is now голос
[17:15:00] ggrn is now away
[17:15:31] serg.makar is now away
[17:15:32] serg.makar is now away
[17:16:17] novus42 is now ♫ Flesh
[17:16:25] evrial is now xa
[17:16:48] serg.makar is now away
[17:17:22] novus42 is now ♫ Батарея
[17:17:23] novus42 is now ♫ Батарея
[17:17:29] novus42 is now ♫ Êîãî-òî åùå (Ëåòîâ)
[17:17:31] novus42 is now ♫ Êîãî-òî åùå (Ëåòîâ)
[17:17:42] erraen is now online
[17:18:07] GorMih is now away
[17:18:08] GorMih is now online
[17:18:10] pzskc383 is now online
[17:19:30] roman.peregonchuk is now голос
[17:19:32] Darth Лис is now online
[17:19:37] novus42 is now ♫ Any Word
[17:19:38] novus42 is now ♫ Any Word
[17:19:45] zarg_ is now away
[17:20:30] zarg_ is now online
[17:21:14] Darth Лис is now online
[17:21:17] novus42 is now ♫ Any Word
[17:21:25] evrial is now xa
[17:21:50] serg.makar is now away
[17:21:58] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[17:21:59] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[17:22:42] erraen is now online
[17:23:06] SV0L0CH is now away
[17:23:21] novus42 is now ♫ Новая патриотическая
[17:23:22] novus42 is now ♫ Новая патриотическая
[17:24:30] roman.peregonchuk is now голос
[17:25:00] ggrn is now xa
[17:25:09] novus42 is now ♫ 50
[17:25:10] novus42 is now ♫ 50
[17:26:03] zarg_ is now away
[17:26:17] novus42 is now ♫ 50
[17:26:25] evrial is now xa
[17:26:50] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[17:27:36] novus42 is now ♫ Same song and dance
[17:27:37] novus42 is now ♫ Same song and dance
[17:27:44] erraen is now online
[17:29:31] roman.peregonchuk is now голос
[17:30:20] kwis is now offline
[17:31:04] kwis is now online
[17:31:17] novus42 is now ♫ Same song and dance
[17:31:27] evrial is now xa
[17:31:42] novus42 is now ♫ Jeff-áåëàÿ ê›îâü
[17:31:43] novus42 is now ♫ Jeff-áåëàÿ ê›îâü
[17:31:51] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[17:32:45] erraen is now online
[17:33:05] SV0L0CH is now xa
[17:33:33] SV0L0CH is now online
[17:34:32] roman.peregonchuk is now голос
[17:34:59] maxp is now away
[17:35:00] maxp is now away
[17:35:42] novus42 is now ♫ Ñò›àíà äó›àêîâ
[17:35:43] novus42 is now ♫ Ñò›àíà äó›àêîâ
[17:36:02] zarg_ is now xa
[17:36:07] serg.makar is now away
[17:36:08] serg.makar is now away
[17:36:17] novus42 is now ♫ Ñò›àíà äó›àêîâ
[17:36:27] evrial is now xa
[17:36:52] serg.makar is now away
[17:37:13] maxp is now away
[17:37:14] maxp is now I'm not here right now
[17:37:25] novus42 is now ♫ Øò›àóñ Èîãàíí
[17:37:26] novus42 is now ♫ Øò›àóñ Èîãàíí
[17:37:37] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[17:37:38] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[17:37:45] erraen is now online
[17:39:03] portnov is now away
[17:39:05] portnov is now away
[17:39:32] roman.peregonchuk is now голос
[17:39:38] novus42 is now ♫ Our House (Unreleased)
[17:39:40] novus42 is now ♫ Our House (Unreleased)
[17:41:18] novus42 is now ♫ Our House (Unreleased)
[17:41:28] evrial is now xa
[17:41:38] bobry is now offline
[17:41:54] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[17:42:04] cutwater is now offline
[17:42:05] cutwater is now online
[17:42:46] erraen is now online
[17:43:31] novus42 is now ♫ If I Get Locked Up (Ft. Dr. D
[17:43:32] novus42 is now ♫ If I Get Locked Up (Ft. Dr. D
[17:44:33] roman.peregonchuk is now голос
[17:46:18] novus42 is now ♫ If I Get Locked Up (Ft. Dr. D
[17:46:30] evrial is now xa
[17:46:32] GorMih is now away
[17:46:33] GorMih is now away
[17:46:54] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[17:47:12] novus42 is now ♫ Anarchy [God and the State]
[17:47:13] novus42 is now ♫ Anarchy [God and the State]
[17:47:19] novus42 is now ♫ Ãååíà îãíåííàÿ
[17:47:20] novus42 is now ♫ Ãååíà îãíåííàÿ
[17:47:48] erraen is now online
[17:49:33] roman.peregonchuk is now голос
[17:49:55] novus42 is now online
[17:49:56] novus42 is now online
[17:51:00] roman.peregonchuk is now offline
[17:51:15] portnov is now away
[17:51:16] portnov is now online
[17:51:18] novus42 is now online
[17:51:31] evrial is now xa
[17:51:54] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[17:52:48] erraen is now online
[17:54:53] GorMih is now away
[17:54:54] GorMih is now online
[17:56:18] novus42 is now online
[17:56:32] evrial is now xa
[17:56:33] serg.makar is now away
[17:56:55] serg.makar is now away
[17:57:50] erraen is now online
[17:58:43] portnov is now away
[17:58:44] portnov is now away
[18:01:07] portnov is now away
[18:01:08] portnov is now online
[18:01:18] novus42 is now online
[18:01:32] evrial is now xa
[18:01:41] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[18:01:42] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[18:01:44] novus42 is now ♫ Ãååíà îãíåííàÿ
[18:01:46] novus42 is now ♫ Ãååíà îãíåííàÿ
[18:01:57] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[18:02:42] novus42 is now ♫ Black And White
[18:02:43] novus42 is now ♫ Black And White
[18:02:50] erraen is now online
[18:06:18] novus42 is now ♫ Black And White
[18:06:34] evrial is now xa
[18:06:43] serg.makar is now away
[18:06:44] serg.makar is now away
[18:06:58] serg.makar is now away
[18:07:30] novus42 is now ♫ Funchameleon
[18:07:31] novus42 is now ♫ Funchameleon
[18:07:51] erraen is now online
[18:08:10] Darth Лис is now online
[18:08:34] Darth Лис is now online
[18:10:21] pzskc383 is now away
[18:11:18] novus42 is now ♫ Funchameleon
[18:11:34] evrial is now xa
[18:11:58] serg.makar is now away
[18:12:51] erraen is now online
[18:12:57] novus42 is now online
[18:12:58] novus42 is now online
[18:13:50] portnov is now away
[18:13:52] portnov is now away
[18:15:30] pzskc383 is now online
[18:15:51] evrial is now offline
[18:16:17] novus42 is now online
[18:16:59] serg.makar is now away
[18:17:25] evrial is now online
[18:17:52] erraen is now online
[18:19:33] GorMih is now away
[18:19:34] GorMih is now away
[18:21:17] novus42 is now online
[18:22:00] serg.makar is now away
[18:22:25] evrial is now online
[18:22:53] erraen is now online
[18:25:01] evrial is now offline
[18:25:08] evrial is now online
[18:25:09] evrial is now online
[18:25:22] tilarids is now online
[18:25:23] novus42 is now ♫ Funchameleon
[18:25:25] novus42 is now ♫ Funchameleon
[18:25:55] serg.makar is now offline
[18:26:18] novus42 is now ♫ Funchameleon
[18:26:51] novus42 is now ♫ Матросы
[18:26:52] novus42 is now ♫ Матросы
[18:27:44] evrial is now online
[18:27:54] erraen is now online
[18:28:50] novus42 is now ♫ Die schönen Rosen
[18:28:51] novus42 is now ♫ Die schönen Rosen
[18:28:51] serg.makar is now away
[18:29:32] pzskc383 is now away
[18:29:50] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[18:29:51] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[18:31:18] novus42 is now ♫ Die schönen Rosen
[18:31:46] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[18:32:08] novus42 is now ♫ The Shen
[18:32:09] novus42 is now ♫ The Shen
[18:32:45] evrial is now online
[18:32:56] erraen is now online
[18:36:18] novus42 is now ♫ The Shen
[18:36:47] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[18:37:45] evrial is now online
[18:37:55] erraen is now online
[18:39:32] pzskc383 is now xa
[18:40:41] novus42 is now ♫ Àô›èêà
[18:40:42] novus42 is now ♫ Àô›èêà
[18:41:17] novus42 is now ♫ Àô›èêà
[18:41:49] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[18:42:46] evrial is now online
[18:42:57] erraen is now online
[18:44:10] novus42 is now ♫ Ïàëîìà-ïîïñ
[18:44:12] novus42 is now ♫ Ïàëîìà-ïîïñ
[18:46:11] serg.makar is now away
[18:46:12] serg.makar is now away
[18:46:18] novus42 is now ♫ Ïàëîìà-ïîïñ
[18:46:37] novus42 is now ♫ Freestyle 22
[18:46:39] novus42 is now ♫ Freestyle 22
[18:46:51] serg.makar is now away
[18:47:46] evrial is now online
[18:47:58] erraen is now online
[18:47:59] novus42 is now ♫ Âå÷íàÿ âåñíà
[18:50:50] portnov is now away
[18:50:51] portnov is now online
[18:51:18] novus42 is now ♫ Âå÷íàÿ âåñíà
[18:51:52] serg.makar is now away
[18:52:47] evrial is now online
[18:53:00] erraen is now online
[18:54:51] novus42 is now ♫ Sensless Life
[18:54:52] novus42 is now ♫ Sensless Life
[18:56:18] novus42 is now ♫ Sensless Life
[18:56:30] Darth Лис is now online
[18:56:52] serg.makar is now away
[18:57:11] tex3d is now Да, я здесь.
[18:57:48] evrial is now online
[18:58:00] erraen is now online
[18:58:36] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[18:58:37] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[18:59:00] Ляпатяпа is now online
[18:59:57] GorMih is now away
[18:59:58] GorMih is now online
[19:00:10] novus42 is now ♫ Íà îñò›îâå Ïàñõè (ïîëíûé âà›èàíò)
[19:00:12] novus42 is now ♫ Íà îñò›îâå Ïàñõè (ïîëíûé âà›èàíò)
[19:01:18] novus42 is now ♫ Íà îñò›îâå Ïàñõè (ïîëíûé âà›èàíò)
[19:01:52] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[19:01:54] tex3d is now offline
[19:02:49] evrial is now online
[19:02:59] erraen is now online
[19:04:18] tilarids is now away
[19:05:47] GorMih is now away
[19:05:48] GorMih is now away
[19:06:01] novus42 is now ♫ Òóäà, Ãäå Îòäàflò Êîíöû
[19:06:03] novus42 is now ♫ Òóäà, Ãäå Îòäàflò Êîíöû
[19:06:18] novus42 is now ♫ Òóäà, Ãäå Îòäàflò Êîíöû
[19:06:54] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[19:07:12] tilarids is now online
[19:07:49] evrial is now online
[19:08:01] erraen is now online
[19:08:20] novus42 is now ♫ Fallende Blätter
[19:08:21] novus42 is now ♫ Fallende Blätter
[19:09:47] Ляпатяпа is now away
[19:11:18] novus42 is now ♫ Fallende Blätter
[19:11:56] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[19:12:24] novus42 is now ♫ Just Rhyming With Proof
[19:12:25] novus42 is now ♫ Just Rhyming With Proof
[19:12:25] tilarids is now away
[19:12:51] evrial is now online
[19:13:02] erraen is now online
[19:14:49] Ляпатяпа is now online
[19:15:57] Darth Лис is now online
[19:16:09] portnov is now away
[19:16:10] portnov is now away
[19:16:19] novus42 is now ♫ Just Rhyming With Proof
[19:16:46] serg.makar is now away
[19:16:47] serg.makar is now away
[19:16:57] serg.makar is now away
[19:17:01] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[19:17:02] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[19:17:15] portnov is now away
[19:17:16] portnov is now online
[19:17:51] evrial is now online
[19:18:03] erraen is now online
[19:19:28] novus42 is now online
[19:19:29] novus42 is now online
[19:21:19] novus42 is now online
[19:21:58] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[19:22:24] tilarids is now xa
[19:24:15] Darth Лис is now online
[19:24:44] zarg_ is now online
[19:25:40] Tony is now online
[19:26:14] maxp is now away
[19:26:15] maxp is now away
[19:26:19] novus42 is now online
[19:26:58] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[19:27:53] evrial is now online
[19:28:04] erraen is now online
[19:29:25] maxp is now away
[19:29:26] maxp is now offline
[19:29:52] serg.makar is now away
[19:29:53] serg.makar is now away
[19:31:06] Darth Лис is now online
[19:31:19] novus42 is now online
[19:31:59] serg.makar is now away
[19:32:53] evrial is now online
[19:33:05] erraen is now online
[19:36:19] novus42 is now online
[19:37:02] serg.makar is now away
[19:37:54] evrial is now online
[19:38:06] erraen is now online
[19:40:06] ggrn is now offline
[19:40:18] ggrn is now xa
[19:41:20] novus42 is now online
[19:42:03] serg.makar is now away
[19:42:54] evrial is now online
[19:43:06] erraen is now online
[19:43:32] Darth Лис is now offline
[19:46:20] novus42 is now online
[19:47:04] serg.makar is now away
[19:47:56] evrial is now online
[19:48:07] erraen is now online
[19:48:48] Tony is now away
[19:49:47] Ляпатяпа is now away
[19:49:54] SV0L0CH is now away
[19:51:09] SV0L0CH is now online
[19:51:19] novus42 is now online
[19:52:04] serg.makar is now away
[19:52:56] evrial is now online
[19:53:07] erraen is now online
[19:56:20] novus42 is now online
[19:57:05] serg.makar is now away
[19:57:24] portnov is now away
[19:57:26] portnov is now away
[19:57:57] evrial is now online
[19:58:08] erraen is now online
[19:58:48] Tony is now xa
[19:59:02] GorMih is now away
[19:59:03] GorMih is now online
[20:00:33] portnov is now away
[20:00:34] portnov is now online
[20:01:20] novus42 is now online
[20:01:52] tilarids is now online
[20:02:07] serg.makar is now away
[20:03:00] evrial is now online
[20:03:09] erraen is now online
[20:05:46] Tony is now online
[20:06:20] novus42 is now online
[20:07:07] serg.makar is now away
[20:08:01] evrial is now online
[20:08:10] erraen is now online
[20:09:47] Ляпатяпа is now xa
[20:11:20] novus42 is now online
[20:12:08] serg.makar is now away
[20:13:01] evrial is now online
[20:13:10] erraen is now online
[20:14:06] Ляпатяпа is now online
[20:14:52] GorMih is now away
[20:14:53] GorMih is now away
[20:16:20] novus42 is now online
[20:17:08] serg.makar is now away
[20:18:02] evrial is now online
[20:18:10] erraen is now online
[20:20:32] tilarids is now away
[20:21:20] novus42 is now online
[20:22:10] serg.makar is now away
[20:23:04] evrial is now online
[20:23:10] erraen is now online
[20:26:21] novus42 is now online
[20:27:11] serg.makar is now away
[20:28:05] evrial is now online
[20:28:11] erraen is now online
[20:29:57] Lispython is now offline
[20:30:04] Lispython is now online
[20:30:23] Lispython is now offline
[20:30:33] tilarids is now xa
[20:30:38] Lispython is now online
[20:31:21] novus42 is now online
[20:32:12] serg.makar is now away
[20:33:05] evrial is now online
[20:33:13] erraen is now online
[20:34:21] zarg_ is now away
[20:36:21] novus42 is now online
[20:37:12] serg.makar is now away
[20:38:05] evrial is now online
[20:38:14] erraen is now online
[20:41:21] novus42 is now online
[20:42:13] serg.makar is now away
[20:43:06] evrial is now online
[20:43:15] erraen is now online
[20:43:54] Lispython is now away
[20:44:20] zarg_ is now xa
[20:46:21] novus42 is now online
[20:46:28] GorMih is now away
[20:46:29] GorMih is now online
[20:47:16] serg.makar is now away
[20:48:07] evrial is now online
[20:48:15] erraen is now online
[20:48:30] Lispython is now online
[20:48:57] Lispython is now offline
[20:51:21] novus42 is now online
[20:52:16] serg.makar is now away
[20:52:51] tilarids is now online
[20:53:08] evrial is now online
[20:53:16] erraen is now online
[20:56:21] novus42 is now online
[20:57:16] serg.makar is now away
[20:58:09] evrial is now online
[20:58:17] erraen is now online
[20:58:53] GorMih is now away
[20:58:54] GorMih is now away
[21:01:22] novus42 is now online
[21:02:18] serg.makar is now away
[21:03:09] evrial is now online
[21:03:19] erraen is now online
[21:03:27] tilarids is now away
[21:05:12] zarg_ is now online
[21:06:21] novus42 is now online
[21:07:19] serg.makar is now away
[21:08:09] evrial is now online
[21:08:20] erraen is now online
[21:11:21] novus42 is now online
[21:12:20] serg.makar is now away
[21:13:10] evrial is now online
[21:13:22] erraen is now online
[21:13:27] tilarids is now xa
[21:16:21] novus42 is now online
[21:17:26] serg.makar is now away
[21:18:10] evrial is now online
[21:18:23] erraen is now online
[21:20:11] GorMih is now away
[21:20:12] GorMih is now online
[21:20:36] k-dus is now online
[21:20:51] tatengineerx is now online
[21:21:21] novus42 is now online
[21:21:33] serg.makar is now away
[21:21:34] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[21:22:15] Ляпатяпа is now offline
[21:22:21] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[21:23:05] portnov is now away
[21:23:06] portnov is now away
[21:23:11] evrial is now online
[21:23:24] erraen is now online
[21:26:21] novus42 is now online
[21:26:43] portnov is now away
[21:26:44] portnov is now online
[21:27:23] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[21:28:11] evrial is now online
[21:28:25] erraen is now online
[21:29:05] GorMih is now away
[21:29:06] GorMih is now away
[21:29:41] tatengineerx: есть тут люди сидящие на пиджине?
[21:31:21] novus42 is now online
[21:32:23] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[21:33:12] evrial is now online
[21:33:26] erraen is now online
[21:33:40] Tony is now away
[21:36:21] novus42 is now online
[21:37:24] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[21:38:13] evrial is now online
[21:38:28] erraen is now online
[21:38:43] zarg_ is now away
[21:38:44] Tony is now online
[21:41:22] novus42 is now online
[21:42:25] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[21:43:14] evrial is now online
[21:43:29] erraen is now online
[21:45:51] portnov is now offline
[21:46:22] novus42 is now online
[21:47:27] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[21:48:15] evrial is now online
[21:48:30] erraen is now online
[21:48:43] zarg_ is now xa
[21:50:47] zarg_ is now online
[21:51:03] Darth Лис is now online
[21:51:21] novus42 is now online
[21:52:28] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[21:53:16] evrial is now online
[21:53:30] erraen is now online
[21:56:21] novus42 is now online
[21:57:28] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[21:58:16] evrial is now online
[21:58:19] novus42 is now offline
[21:58:30] erraen is now online
[21:58:45] tatengineerx is now away
[21:58:47] tatengineerx is now away
[22:00:15] tatengineerx is now away
[22:00:16] tatengineerx is now online
[22:02:29] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[22:03:17] evrial is now online
[22:03:30] erraen is now online
[22:04:03] tilarids is now online
[22:04:37] GorMih is now away
[22:04:38] GorMih is now online
[22:05:20] pzskc383 is now online
[22:06:29] zarg_ is now away
[22:07:30] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[22:08:18] evrial is now online
[22:08:31] erraen is now online
[22:08:48] zarg_ is now online
[22:10:01] pzskc383 is now offline
[22:10:30] GorMih is now away
[22:10:32] GorMih is now away
[22:11:51] tatengineerx is now away
[22:11:53] GorMih is now online
[22:11:55] tatengineerx is now away
[22:12:31] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[22:13:20] evrial is now online
[22:13:33] erraen is now online
[22:13:42] tatengineerx is now away
[22:13:43] tatengineerx is now online
[22:17:31] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[22:18:17] tilarids is now away
[22:18:20] evrial is now online
[22:18:33] erraen is now online
[22:20:16] Tony is now away
[22:20:54] Tony is now online
[22:22:01] tatengineerx is now away
[22:22:02] tatengineerx is now away
[22:22:32] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[22:23:21] evrial is now online
[22:23:29] GorMih is now away
[22:23:31] GorMih is now away
[22:23:34] erraen is now online
[22:24:55] serg.makar is now away
[22:24:57] serg.makar is now away
[22:26:01] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[22:26:02] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[22:27:04] Darth Лис is now online
[22:27:33] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[22:27:56] tilarids is now online
[22:28:21] evrial is now online
[22:28:30] Darth Лис is now online
[22:28:35] erraen is now online
[22:29:59] SV0L0CH is now away
[22:30:04] tatengineerx is now away
[22:30:05] tatengineerx is now online
[22:32:34] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[22:33:06] cutwater is now away
[22:33:23] evrial is now online
[22:33:35] erraen is now online
[22:37:37] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[22:38:23] evrial is now online
[22:38:36] erraen is now online
[22:39:05] kwis is now away
[22:39:59] SV0L0CH is now xa
[22:42:36] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[22:43:24] evrial is now online
[22:43:37] erraen is now online
[22:47:37] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[22:48:01] kwis is now online
[22:48:18] Tony is now away
[22:48:25] evrial is now online
[22:48:30] novus42 is now online
[22:48:31] novus42 is now online
[22:48:33] novus42 is now online
[22:48:35] novus42 is now online
[22:48:38] erraen is now online
[22:52:12] novus42 is now online
[22:52:38] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[22:53:06] cutwater is now xa
[22:53:26] evrial is now online
[22:53:36] Darth Лис is now online
[22:53:39] erraen is now online
[22:54:41] tilarids is now away
[22:55:44] GorMih is now away
[22:55:45] GorMih is now online
[22:57:14] novus42 is now online
[22:57:39] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[22:58:02] zarg_ is now away
[22:58:18] Tony is now xa
[22:58:19] evrial is now online
[22:58:28] evrial is now online
[22:58:39] erraen is now online
[22:59:51] Darth Лис is now online
[23:02:14] novus42 is now online
[23:02:41] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[23:03:29] evrial is now online
[23:03:39] erraen is now online
[23:04:20] k-dus: я сижу в пиджине
[23:04:41] tilarids is now xa
[23:04:58] Darth Лис is now online
[23:07:14] novus42 is now online
[23:07:42] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[23:08:02] zarg_ is now xa
[23:08:29] evrial is now online
[23:08:40] erraen is now online
[23:11:46] Darth Лис is now online
[23:12:16] novus42 is now online
[23:12:44] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[23:13:31] evrial is now online
[23:13:42] erraen is now online
[23:16:12] ggrn is now online
[23:16:36] zarg_ is now online
[23:17:16] novus42 is now online
[23:17:27] tilarids is now online
[23:17:37] ggrn: k-dus, я вас по3дравляю
[23:17:45] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[23:17:51] Darth Лис is now online
[23:18:32] evrial is now online
[23:18:42] erraen is now online
[23:20:21] Darth Лис is now online
[23:22:16] novus42 is now online
[23:22:45] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[23:23:33] evrial is now online
[23:23:43] erraen is now online
[23:24:01] zarg_ is now away
[23:26:12] Darth Лис is now online
[23:26:51] Darth Лис is now online
[23:27:17] novus42 is now online
[23:27:44] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[23:28:33] evrial is now online
[23:28:43] erraen is now online
[23:32:18] novus42 is now online
[23:32:46] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[23:33:34] evrial is now online
[23:33:44] erraen is now online
[23:34:01] zarg_ is now xa
[23:35:56] Darth Лис is now online
[23:37:19] novus42 is now online
[23:37:47] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[23:38:34] evrial is now online
[23:38:44] tilarids is now away
[23:38:45] erraen is now online
[23:42:19] novus42 is now online
[23:42:49] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[23:43:35] evrial is now online
[23:43:46] erraen is now online
[23:44:45] k-dus: )
[23:44:59] Darth Лис is now online
[23:45:11] serg.makar is now away
[23:45:13] serg.makar is now away
[23:45:55] kwis is now offline
[23:45:56] Typhon is now online
[23:46:09] kwis is now online
[23:46:09] k-dus: кто нибудь работал с django-piston?
[23:47:18] novus42 is now online
[23:47:50] serg.makar is now away
[23:48:36] evrial is now online
[23:48:43] tilarids is now xa
[23:48:46] erraen is now online
[23:50:23] Darth Лис is now online
[23:51:03] zarg_ is now online
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[23:55:51] tatengineerx: есть кто разбирается в J2ME
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[23:57:38] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[23:57:39] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
[23:57:51] serg.makar is now All the great things are simple
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